Friday, September 16, 2016

The Change in Learning Framework - What is NEW in Online Learning

Instructing has never been simple. Furthermore, showing online is far more troublesome on the grounds that connection between the instructors and the understudies in the virtual classroom is less and that is the reason an educator needs to give additional thoughtfulness regarding the understudies who are miles away. What's more, on top of that web learning is self-propelled realizing where a smallest diversion can bring about quitting the adapting course.

What are the means teachers of internet learning organizations ought to take to improve understudy engagement? There are too much. Understudy's curiosity in innovation could be a vital component to upgrading their inclusion in learning. I am going to clarify the few and best of them which, if took after, might come convenient for the teachers.

Utilizing sight and sound for better understanding. 

The utilization of board and class notes, whether you let it out or not, is getting to be ancient. As the customary method of learning is sticking on the conventional methodology of going on training the general procedure of getting information is turning out to be a lot of out-dated. Rather than utilizing those old strategies web learning in maneuvering up dynamic realizing where to comprehend the study content online instructors are concentrating on executing ed-tech or learning apparatuses to utilize sight and sound for better understanding. Furthermore, utilizing varying media study content, 3d models and increased reality in dynamic classrooms are the new pattern that teachers are relying on.

Dynamic interest. 

One of the absolute best aftermaths of the execution of internet learning is changing over non-taking an interest understudy to effectively taking an interest one. As indicated by a study, the rate of 'timid understudies' or inert understudies in classroom is minimal increasingly that 40 percent. A large number of them are excessively shy, making it impossible to answer the inquiries asked by the educator in the up close and personal classroom regardless of the possibility that they know the answer extremely well. Internet learning is utilizing the utilization of informal communication destinations and online exchange loads up to ask, answer, report, share and learn continuously.

Their very own dialect. 

The 21st century is the period of advanced locals and present day learners are bound to environ with innovation. Hence in this time of web of things, enormous information, distributed computing web learning is satisfying the reason for satisfying their pine for adapting more through the dialect of innovation which conveys the better method for comprehension.

Genuine work experience. 

The interweaving of cutting edge innovation in the instructive biological community has prominently changed the methodology of learning and classroom. Dynamic classrooms are outfitted with ed-tech just to ensure that learners are getting included in "working" with their concentrates as opposed to simply adapting mechanically.

Using online networking. 

As the acknowledgment of informal communication sites is developing each day numerous and instructors are receiving Facebook, Twitter, and other blogging sites as a stage to upgrade contribution among the understudies.

With instinctive learning techniques, keen classrooms, boundless wellspring of assets, online discourse sheets understudies are getting included in learning more than ever. It can without a doubt be said that there are plentiful of chances to improve learning for the propelled learners and this century is the breathing space to redesign instruction and instructive organizations alongside the teachers.

8 Best Back-to-School Tech Gadgets for Students

Each understudy is back at it – the classes, the papers, the exams, the gatherings, and the residence life. Each understudy has his/her cell phone, tablet, and portable PC - these are no more discretionary "Contraptions" indeed, they let understudies show signs of improvement harmony amongst school and their own lives. In the meantime, understudies are continually searching for more tech to make their school lives less demanding. Whether these contraptions are straightforwardly identified with their school work or basically facilitate their lives in different ways so they have more opportunity for study, they are vigilant. Here are eight devices that could possibly offer assistance.

1. Charging Backpack 

You go to classes. From that point you hurried to your low maintenance employment and after that get together with two or three companions at a café for some considering. The main issue is the greater part of your specialists is biting the dust and the majority of your notes are on that tablet. Also, there are no outlets anyplace.

On the off chance that you had this charging rucksack, you could never confront this circumstance again. There's a battery, three USB ports, and six stockpiling zones. Here's an inside perspective.

2. Bluetooth Coffee Maker 

Ai,not iOT awesome? What's more, it particularly is the point at which you are an espresso consumer, and that drink is the thing that keeps you going amid those "dusk 'til dawn affairs." But you likewise make espresso at different times amid the day – when you get up in the morning to make them go; when you return to the quarters after classes are at last wrapped up. You simply download the WeMo application on your telephone and you're set to go, regardless of the fact that you need to calendar fermenting ahead of time (ideal for mornings).


3. Encourage Voyage 

E-renditions of course readings and outside perusing prerequisites are really somewhat less expensive to purchase, less expensive still on the off chance that you lease them. For individuals from Amazon Prime, there is even a loaning library of more than 500,000 books you can acquire for nothing, with no arrival due date. The greatest besides, in any case, is that you don't need to carry those course books around in the charging knapsack you now have – recently connect to that Kindle. You spare cash, you spare your back and bears, and you're much lighter on your feet.

4. Outside Hard Drive 

Go down everything – this is not discretionary. Furthermore, there is no "stunning" component with this contraption. Be that as it may, if your PC crashes, or is truly harmed you are not "dead" alongside it. Get one that can likewise be utilized with cell phones, so you can store anything off of them as well.

5. Aura Smart Dashboard 

Alright, in this way, your space is little. What's more, some of your best specialists can be little as well. Here is an awesome dashboard with four dials, and you can choose what to utilize them for. One can be a wake up timer; one can be for gotten messages; one can even be for the climate or activity. This is such a clever contraption since you get the opportunity to pick!

6. Fitbit Flex 

School life is not known not be a solid one. Actually, it is a typical explanation that each Freshman increases 15 pounds, in view of dietary patterns and absence of activity. This doesn't need to be, however it takes some self-restraint. What's more, the Fitbit Flex can offer assistance. You can better oversee and track the propensities that effect your health – eating, wellness, and rest. Understudies who don't feel well or who become ill regularly are not the understudies they can be.

7. Compact Ice Maker 

Along these lines, you are up late considering. You are likewise passing on of thirst. You have pop or squeeze in your room however it's warm. Perhaps there's an ice machine down on the principal floor; possibly not. On the other hand there's the incredibly costly drink machine. A versatile ice producer in your room takes care of the issue 24-hours a day. The greater part of them are around a foot in every one of the three measurements, and a decent one can be had for about $125.00.

8. Cell phone/Tablet Apps 

No, these are not sparkly new contraptions. You will, in any case, likely supplant both while you are in school, for more up to date models. Amongst that and your tablet, you can download an astonishing number of applications that will advance your studies and your school life when all is said in done. Be that as it may, here are a couple you might not have considered:

Mint: Your financial plan may never be as tight as it is the point at which you are an understudy. This application will help you set up a financial plan, stick to it, and even send you alarms that you set up ahead of time.

Writinghouse: Writing papers are sufficiently terrible, yet then you need to get every one of those references arranged accurately. This is presumably the least demanding application out there – one that will produce references for even the most interesting assets. Furthermore, it's redesigned constantly.

Portfolio Apps: Whether you are compelling artwork, building, instruction, English, or science major (or in any major so far as that is concerned), you should build up an arrangement of your best work as you experience school. Why? As you need the end of your tutoring, you will need to really to consider finding that first vocation position. A portfolio application will give you a chance to assemble and store work that you might need to demonstrate a potential manager. On the off chance that you are far from turning into a resumes master you may discover some resume benefits that can make an astonishing report and give you guidance on which parts of your portfolio will be the best to keep in the internet and connection to in that resume.

PDF Search Engine: Here's the thing about school research. Most essential sources that you might need to utilize, for example, the examination of others, will be in PDF position. You can squander a great deal of time seeking through online articles that won't give you the subtle element and the information you require. In the event that you utilize this application, it will just draw up PDF records. You will spare yourself some time and have awesome assets to boot.

Innovation has so enhanced the lives of understudies. Truth be told, as an understudy you have most likely heard the repulsiveness stories of your folks and grandparents about taking notes by hand, working out papers on a  or word processor, using the library for all of examination that must be done, utilizing payphones to call home and request cash, and sparing manually written notes in organizers. You can't envision it. Prepare to be blown away. Your children won't have the capacity to envision how you figured out how to get by with the age-old innovation that you right now see as so extraordinary.

The Top five ways in which to enhance ratio Through on-line Training

An increasing range of firms square measure currently transitioning to on-line coaching courses, and it’s simple to examine why. company eLearning has the ability to enhance information retention, build job-related talent sets, and deliver a personalized on-line coaching expertise to each worker. However, one among the foremost vital benefits of moving your coaching on-line could be a boost in profits. whether or not you have got a hands of five or five,000, here square measure the highest five ways that to enhance your company’s ratio through on-line coaching.

1.Disposes of On-Site Instruction Costs.

As any business bookkeeper will bear witness to, a standout amongst the best approaches to enhance your net revenue is by diminishing your costs. For some associations, customary preparing costs a pretty penny and really begins to tackle their financial plan. Web instructional classes give you the chance to kill costs connected with conventional preparing, for example, teacher travel costs, printed material expenses, and webpage rental expenses as the greater part of your corporate eLearning happens on the web. In this way, the main costs you need to stress over are web preparing improvement and usage. Web preparing is additionally simple to scale and redesign in light of the developing needs of your association.

2. Gives Personalized Online Training. 

Each individual from your staff will have entry to internet preparing that meets their particular needs. From new contracts in your business office to upper administration, your internet preparing project can offer them the aptitudes and data they require. The same goes for learning practices. Every corporate learner get the same advantage from their web preparing encounters, whether they incline toward visual or sound components, because of the way that you can offer tweaked web preparing exercises and online appraisals. Thus, representatives have more trust in the work environment and have every one of the apparatuses and learning they have to complete their employment duties. Rather than requiring some serious energy to ask the chief what they ought to do or faltering through a perplexing work process, they can dedicate that opportunity to expanding your benefits.

To make genuinely customized web instructional classes, your association must learn however much as could reasonably be expected about the inclinations and foundations of your workers. What do they hope to escape the internet preparing program? What are their objectives and destinations? What execution crevices do they have to fill? These are all inquiries that can be replied by reviewing, meeting, and watching your staff at work.

3. Offers Immediate Access To Online Training Resources. 

In the event that your association still uses a conventional preparing program the majority of your representatives must hold up to build up their abilities until the following nearby instructional meeting. In any case, web preparing gives them access to important data in the working environment, which permits them to enhance their aptitudes and undertaking capability immediately. They have the opportunity to investigate thoughts and ideas from anyplace on the planet, the length of they can login to the electronic stage. On the off chance that you make a HTML5 internet instructional class they can even download the online substance and access it disconnected.

Not any more agonizing over fitting preparing into their timetables or waiting until the following instructional meeting to right execution practices. They can fill the crevice when it's most advantageous for them. An immaculate case of how this enhances your net revenue is a client administration rep who is managing a disappointed client. The worker can instantly see instructional exercises and get to manuals to figure out how to determine the contention, finish the arrival procedure, and offer them a substitution item that addresses their issues. That client is presently a reliable client who got the administration they expected and your association didn't pass up a great opportunity for a deal.

4. Decreases Training Time. 

Internet preparing definitely lessens preparing time, particularly when contrasted and on location direction. This is essentially because of the way that the biggest Learning and Development cost is the seat time representatives spend in the conventional instructional meeting. You should pay them to be there, despite the fact that they are not playing out their employment obligations nor effectively enhancing your main concern. Take a gander at it along these lines: If your organization's customary instructional class took 4 hours to finish and your internet instructional class can be done in 60 minutes, that is 3 hours that your workers can now devote to making deals, helping clients, and upgrading your image picture.

5. Builds Employee Satisfaction And Productivity. 

This is a standout amongst the most huge advantages of web instructional classes, as it brings down your worker turnover. Representatives who get the web preparing they have to carry out their employment adequately will probably be upbeat and fulfilled. This means an expansion in staff degrees of consistency and a decline in your new contract preparing costs. At the end of the day, you can hold tight to important workers who as of now have the right stuff and data you require, rather than retraining another representative to fill the part. People who have been with your organization for quite a while have a lot of experience added to their repertoire and know how to manage business related difficulties. You've as of now put a huge sum into their expert improvement. This makes them an important resource. Hence, you need to furnish them with the instruments and aptitudes they have to feel satisfied and sure, so they need to remain a profitable individual from your business group.

Internet Training radically lessens preparing costs, supports profitability, and expands representative fulfillment. Despite your organization's objectives and targets, web preparing is the perfect arrangement. This is particularly valid on the off chance that you are chipping away at a tight spending plan and need most extreme results for negligible venture.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The 14 Best Resources on the Web for STEM Educators

It’s all over the news: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education ranks among the country’s most pressing needs. Countless news stories talk about the renewed national concern with educating students in the STEM fields, and policy initiatives such as Common Core push forward with new attempts to fill that gap. But just what is causing this emphasis? And what can be done to solve the problem?

Underscoring the Importance of STEM Education

Image via Flickr by marymactavish
Perhaps the greatest reason that creating a STEM-educated generation is so important is the fast-approaching gap of workers in STEM-related fields. The baby boomers, those Americans born in the post-WWII era, are retiring en masse over the next few years, and there is a dearth of qualified labor to replace them in the science and engineering fields.
Department of Commerce projections show that, in the coming years, STEM jobs will have one appropriately skilled individual for every 1.9 positions — an entirely unsustainable number. Without new entrants, America’s industrial, technological, and infrastructural continuance is in jeopardy.

The Advantages of Starting Early

Although math and science may seem the domain of “adult stuff,” the fact is that quality STEM education must begin at an early age. UC Irvine research shows that early math proficiency translates into later academic success.
Moreover, while the STEM disciplines might appear dense and less fun-oriented than some others, the foundational aptitudes that feed into excellence in math and science are creativity and ingenuity. These subjects can be made enjoyable and interesting for kids. However, prompt action is vital. Young brains are the most pliable they ever will be, giving children an advantage in knowledge absorption that will only fade with time.

14 Key Resources for STEM Educators

Acknowledging the need is well and good, but how, exactly, can educators help? One good start is by finding good information to incorporate into your STEM learning class modules. The resources listed below should provide a good start to anybody looking to accelerate lesson plans for their STEM class:
  • MIT Open Courseware: As one of the world’s premiere educational institutes, with a focus on technology and engineering, MIT has a history of excellence. With the Open Courseware program, MIT has put that excellence into the hands of everybody, offering course materials for no cost. While college-level coursework may be too challenging for younger students, informed educators will be better able to design appropriate and challenging lessons to prepare their students.
  • KoolLearning : Content mashups & powerful teacher tools, blended in dynamic online learning modules. Start with our curated Course Catalog for delivering courses as-is, customize our courses with teacher generated resources or any OER, or create a course from scratch. The KoolClassroom app within Office 365, KoolLearning blends a professional and consistent learning experience to students that is the best fit for them with the powerful Office tools that teachers already use.
  • National STEM Video Game Challenge: Kids love video games, which are the fastest-growing entertainment field in the world. The link between video games and STEM skills is obvious. The National STEM Video Game Challenge encourages kids to work with educators to create games of their own. The process not only helps kids acquire useful skills, but also points out the ways that STEM learning can provide them with appealing jobs in the future.
  • How-to-Geek: This website reads like many of the more popular list-based websites in vogue at the moment. But instead of listing “Top 10 Buffy Moments” or “The One Facebook Feature You Can’t Live Without,” How-to-Geek informs its audience on how to interact with technology in practical, everyday ways. Good lessons connect abstract academic ideas with real life. A study of How-to-Geek will help you make STEM learning come alive for your students.
  • Tuts+: Moving to the next level in computer learning, Tuts+ lets users learn basic programming skills for free through its website. (It also offers more advanced learning services for a fee.) If your students express an interest in making their own computer software, this might be a good place to start them off.
  • Wikiversity: Wikiversity takes the Wikimedia paradigm and applies it to education, encouraging educators to design online lessons allowing others to learn for free. Scouring its ranks will turn up hundreds of tutorials on STEM topics as well as a bewildering variety of other topics.
  • Khan Academy: Khan compiles lessons, media, and resources for the full range of subjects, with an emphasis on the K-12 level, which ensures that the materials will be grade-appropriate. Get ideas for lessons for your students, or just brush up on your STEM skills yourself.
  • PEOI: Professional Education, Testing and Certification Organization International (PEOI for short) is an organization that provides free post-secondary level education on a variety of topics, mostly related to tech and science. Again, some of this material is likely to be beyond the grasp of younger students, but it is useful both as a source of inspiration and as a no-cost way to better your own understanding of the subjects.
  • Academic Earth: For those unsatisfied with just one online university, Academic Earth links together online learning resources from a variety of top universities in one convenient place. Video lessons themed around specific areas provide a useful resource for putting together a lesson of your own.

Compilations and Other Lists of STEM Resources

Of course, several other sites have compiled their own comprehensive resource lists. Here are six of the ones we find are the most useful:
  • 50 Sources of Free STEM Education: This list from TeachThought compiles several places online to get educated on STEM topics, including a wide range of online universities and tutorials. Pillage them for lesson ideas, assign sites to your class, or just learn a thing or two yourself.
  • The 10 Best STEM Resources for preK-12: This NEA list focuses on curriculum and development resources for primary and secondary school teachers. Ready-made lesson plans and exercises make class preparation a breeze.
  • STEM to STEAM: Resource Roundup: Our friends at Edutopia have created an excellent curated compilation of STEM resources for educators and students alike. They range from long-form articles on the subject to pieces that involve integrated studies, humanities, and maker education.
  • Top 10 Online STEM Resources for Advanced Students: Sometimes it can be hard to challenge more advanced pupils. This list by compiles resources for STEM professionals looking to brush up on the latest. If there’s a student in your section who just can’t seem to stop working ahead, perhaps challenging them with higher-level coursework like this can help keep them in the game.
  • 7 STEM Apps for Higher Order Thinking: Graphite’s short list of apps is a great resource for teachers, parents, and students who want to integrate mobile technology and apps into their STEM curricula. Many of these apps are ideal for learning to develop a “higher order” understanding of scientific principles.
  • The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: Compiled by, this impressive list includes 239 “cool” sites related to science, technology, engineering and math. It includes STEM challenges and contests, career resources, philanthropic and government initiatives, games and apps, camps, and much more. It’s also organized according to age and grade level.
Technology, at the risk of creating a tautology, is the wave of the future. The societies that continue to prosper will be those that catch that wave and let it guide them going forward, innovating and transforming the world.
The exact methods to be used to encourage growth in the tech field are debatable, open to discussions on best-practice pedagogy and policy design. However, STEM education is an opportunity that we can’t let slip through our fingers. With careful planning and an eye to what future children want and need, we can maximize the nation’s STEM potential and build tomorrow together.

Delivering Differentiated Instruction in Your Classroom

As the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development points out, today’s educators face a catch-22 — they must “help decidedly unstandardized students meet an expanding set of rigorous, standardized learning targets.” Fortunately, teachers have a solution to this dilemma in differentiated instruction.
A differentiated classroom accommodates the heterogeneity of students by tailoring instruction to each student’s backgrounds, interests, skill, and readiness levels. Read on to learn more about differentiated teaching, why it works, and how to implement it in your classroom.
Photo credit: Ethan Hein

Defining Differentiated Instruction

Carol Ann Tomlinson, author of “The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners,” is the country’s preeminent scholar on differentiated instruction. Tomlinson definesdifferentiated learning as “ensuring that what a student learns, how he/she learns it, and how the student demonstrates what he/she has learned is a match for that student’s readiness level, interests, and preferred mode of learning.” She likens the reluctance to integrate modern knowledge of the learning process into the classroom to settling for a Model T instead of embracing 21st-century engineering.
Tomlinson identifies four curriculum-related elements that teachers can modify according to students’ needs: content, process, product, and affect. Each of these elements is defined below:
  • Content: What teachers want students to learn and the methods whereby students access that content (e.g., online research).
  • Process: How students make sense of the content.
  • Product: How students show their understanding of a topic.
  • Affect: The way students’ feelings affect the learning process. This theory contends that a positive affect toward learning facilitates academic growth.

The Empirical Basis of Differentiation

Neurological research on learning contributed to both the genesis and proliferation of the differentiation theory. Dr. Judy Willis, a neurologist, authored research on brain-based learning that proved seminal for the differentiation movement. As Edutopia highlights in its profile of her, Dr. Willis discovered that teaching with multiple learning modalities creates more dendritic pathways to access the information. In other words, diverse learning methods result in the storage of information in several places in the brain, creating powerful interconnections. In this way, the content is truly learned, not merely memorized.
Empirical support for differentiation doesn’t stop at neuroscience. Myriad studies show the efficacy of differentiated instruction in helping struggling readers, students with special needs, and gifted students. Further, the underlying assumptions of the differentiation theory dovetail with the theory of multiple intelligences.
Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard, posited that nine different intelligences dictate a student’s capabilities and the ways in which he/she demonstrates learning. Differentiation embraces this theory, appealing to each student’s intelligences in pedagogy and assessment.

Implementing Differentiation in Your Classroom

In a 2010 post on the subject (updated last January), Rebecca Alber at Edutopia wisely identifies “start with the student” as the first step to implementing differentiated instruction. While the she encourages educators to comb through students’ files, stopping there could leave teachers with a myopically one-dimensional view. In addition to perusing students’ histories, teachers should also assess skill levels in a subject area through standardized test scores and other assessments. An assessment of students’ learning styles and interests can also help inform instruction.
Next, examine your curriculum to identify areas that you could modify to incorporate differentiation. After you identify what you want students to learn, select several concepts or skills that could easily be taught at varying levels of complexity. You can then brainstorm ideas for activities that incorporate that concept or skill. For instance, if your interest assessment reveals that you have a group of students intensely interested in sports, you might choose small group instruction for these students using math problems with sports themes.
Finally, evaluate your role as an educator in a differentiated classroom. Tailoring instructional delivery methods is a critical component of differentiation. For example, a student’s learning profile might reveal that he/she learns best through audio or visual delivery and repetition, in which case you might provide supplemental video or audio notes for repeat listening.
Likewise, this approach requires educators to coordinate a number of logistics, as not all students will study the same subject or work on the same task on any given day. Develop a plan for students to access the requisite materials for their projects as well as the time and physical space allotted to each assignment.

Anecdotal Support for this Method

On Scholastic’s website, teaching expert Laura Robb discusses her classroom experience withdifferentiated reading instruction. Robb uses tiering in her instruction, which refers to modifying class experiences according to where students are so they can complete tasks that promote progress. One way she tiers is by tailoring how her students demonstrate what they’ve learned from their reading assignment. While some write a paragraph responding to the text, others design art projects or give performances demonstrating their knowledge.

Criticisms of Differentiation

Differentiated classrooms aren’t without their critics. Laura Pappano of the Harvard Education Letter says the primary criticism with this method is that it requires too much of teachers in that they must individualize everything. Mike Shmoker, an education consultant, contends that teachers are spread too thin as is, and differentiation simply isn’t tenable as a result.
Additionally, differentiated instruction operates on assumptions about a student’s readiness, skill level, etc. that may not prove correct. Inaccurate assumptions end up derailing the learning process and potentially creating chaos in the classroom. In Pappano’s article for the Harvard Education Letter, for example, math teacher Sherryl Hauser is quoted as saying that students complained when they saw their papers contained more problems than those of their classmates when she attempted differentiation.
While educators are nowhere near perfecting differentiated instruction, the benefits of the approach seem to outweigh the drawbacks. Differentiated instruction helps engage and motivate students in the classroom, thereby enhancing their learning. As Tomlinson puts it, “you could have an egg on toast every night for dinner, but to advance as a chef, you have to expand your ingredients.” Shortcomings notwithstanding, that’s exactly what differentiation can do for educators.

Teacher’s Guide to Digital Storytelling

Teaching critical thinking and creativity in writing can be a difficult task, but it is crucial in preparing students to meet the standards of the Common Core. Digital storytelling is a highly effective technique for doing so, as it requires a clear organization of thought, discipline, and problem solving skills — all of which can translate directly into more traditional essay writing. What’s more, digital storytelling has the added benefit of meeting other Common Core standards relating to proficiency in technical skills. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at why digital storytelling is an effective approach for teaching writing, and how to do it best.
Photo credit: torres21

What is Digital Storytelling, and Why Do It?

Quite simply, digital storytelling is the act of using computer-based tools (desktops, laptops, tablets, cameras. and even smartphones) to tell a story. Used in the classroom, it is a lens that teachers and students can use to master the craft of storytelling and argumentative analysis. Digital storytelling might incorporate anything from storyboarding to script writing, revision, production and further editing.
From a writing perspective, digital storytelling will teach students how to navigate the writing and creative process, including brainstorming, constructing unique voices, narrating, and perhaps most importantly, structuring arguments in a compelling and logical manner. From a broader teaching perspective, the amount of work required for a digital project often necessitates partnership with another student, which will require teamwork, listening skills, organizational skills and time management skills to stay on top of production deadlines.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about digital storytelling is that it teaches so many fundamental skills using a medium in which students are already fundamentally interested — and, notably, one that will prove essential for them as they move up the academic chain and on to their careers. Digital storytelling techniques do not simply add to a student’s craft toolbox; they become a source for creativity itself when students are encouraged to get inventive with those tools. They might, for example, decide to use songs to tell a story, rather than simply as a soundtrack, learning to interpret lyrics and to construct emotive arguments as they go. Alternatively, they could try editing and splicing old creative commons footage together, a technique that requires good research skills, the ability to interpret the mood and tone of a photo, and the ability to piece a diversity of photos together into a cohesive narrative.
Here are a few creative digital storytelling assignment ideas to get you going.

Digital Storytelling Lesson Ideas

  1. Dream Scenes. Have students write a narrative essay about what they’d like to be when they grow up. Then have them draw digital pictures to animate their vision and put it all together in a YouTube video.
  2. Animated Personal Narrative. Teach students how to write a personal narrative. Then help them turn that narrative into a storyboard, and finally have them put it altogether in an xtranormal animation.
  3. Google Story. You know those (tear jerking) Google Ads, like the one that uses Gmail to tell a father’s story about his love for his daughterTeach your students the epistolary format, and then have them write a Gmail story of their own, to be compiled via video or compressed into an illustrated PDF. Alternatively, use this Google search Parisian love story as inspiration. Have students brainstorm plotlines, write an outline, and flesh it out with the magic of Screencast-O-Matic and Google search.
  4. Historical Slide Show. Have your students pick a favorite figure from history and write their biography. Then have them scour the web for Creative Commons images that are relevant to their project, distill the biography down into its essential parts, and put it all together in a shareable Slideshare presentation.
  5. Book Trailer. Who needs a run-of-the-mill book review when you could have a book trailer? Trailers should help students practice their critical reading and analysis skills, while also developing their constructions of arguments and use of rhetoric as they battle to convince their classmates to read their book next.
  6. How To Guide. Every student has a secret talent. Have students describe theirs in a straightforward YouTube video, laying out each step in logical sequence. This is an especially effective lesson for more hands-on students who struggle with writing and need a more intuitive connection to a physical skill as they learn to lay out steps logically.
  7. Two Sides of the Story. Sick of the regular old persuasive essay? Assign students a controversial topic. Then have them research arguments supporting both sides, and put it all together in a video, presentation, or infographic that must devote air time to articulating a clear thesis for both sides of the story.
  8. Family or Community History Project. Send your students out to interview and record members of their family or community about their past. Then challenge them to put this together into a podcast, video, or newscast, reviewing all that’s come before.

Further Resources

There are numerous digital storytelling guides available online, and more crop up each day. For a comprehensive rundown of resources, we recommend Educational Technology Director Karen Schrock’s excellent site as well as this guide from Educators Technology. We also recommend a number of TeachThought’s guides, including this guide to digital storytelling appsthis breakdown of ten tools for student-centered expressionThis collection of digital storytelling rubrics from the University of Houston School of Education is also a helpful resource for evaluating student performance on these unique projects.

Telling Stories in a Student’s Language

Digital storytelling is the best of all worlds. It combines a teacher’s need to impart important lessons about critical thinking, analytical writing and creativity with a student’s natural aptitude for the apps and tools they use every day. In fact, it encourages students to see those tools as more than what they offer on the surface, and instead to find creative uses for cutting edge technology. Together, these skills will help a student thrive in academia and far beyond.

5 Creative Ways to Help Students With ADHD Thrive in the Classroom

Recently, the NY Times ran an excellent article entitled: A Natural Fix for ADHD. In this piece, Dr. Richard Friedman, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Director of the Psychopharmacology Clinic at Weill Cornell Physicians, explores the neuroscience behind ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In so doing, Friedman attempts to reframe our understanding of just what ADHD is, and how much more nuanced our approaches for treating it need to be.
Photo credit: Mararie

ADHD in the Classroom Has Long Been a Controversial Topic

On the one hand, advocates of pharmaceutical interventions like Ritalin and Adderall point to the substantial scientific and anecdotal evidence confirming that ADHD medications help students concentrate in the classroom and better manage their workloads at home. Many teachers consider these medications essential in terms of classroom management, as untreated students with ADHD can derail class discussions and require the teacher to devote enormous wells of energy just to keeping the class in line. (That said, it should be noted that ADHD manifests in many forms and affects quieter students at high rates as well; in fact, ADHD can take an even more serious toll in this case, as it often goes undiagnosed for much longer). For these reasons, it is not uncommon to hear teachers, parents, and even students themselves refer to ADHD medications as a “miracle.”
However, take a scroll through the comment section of any article written in support of these medications, and you are bound to see many commenters offering stories of inappropriate medication use. ADHD is often used as a catch-all diagnosis for all perceived behavioral issues, as it is easier to prescribe medications without probing further into root causes of outwardly displayed symptoms. Many parents and students describe feeling pressured into taking medication, and often lower resource students aren’t given any outside support beyond the prescription. When these students become adults, they describe feeling like they were pathologized for brain chemistry that was out of their control.
And yet every teacher, counselor, and administrator knows the frustration that ensues when a student clearly has ADHD and a family dismisses the medication route out of hand. Many counselors feel that treating ADHD with medication is just like treating depression, anxiety, and any other condition that arises in the brain.
Is there a compromise to be made here by stitching together a pharmaceutical, behavioral and pedagogical approach customized to suit the unique needs of the individual student? The answer to that is a clear yes — but in order to get to what that approach might look like, we first must begin with a deeper look at ADHD itself.

The Neuroscience Behind ADHD

ADHD may sound like a singular diagnosis, but it actually falls into three different subtypes. For students who mostly exhibit symptoms of inattentiveness, studies indicate that the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is at the root of the problem; that is, these students have variations in their norepinephrine transport genes that make it so that the amount of norepinephrine circulating in their systems is different than that of neurotypical control subjects.
In contrast, students with the hyperactivity-impulsivity ADHD tend to have fewer dopamine receptors. As Dr. Friedman describes it in his NY Times article, dopamine is a part of our brain’s reward pathway, so with fewer receptors available, students with this kind of ADHD need more stimulation in order to keep their minds’ from wandering. By blocking the reuptake of dopamine, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall keep the levels of dopamine high in the brain, while a nonstimulant like Strattera blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine. In this way, all three medications (and medications like them) help students to focus.
(Wondering what the third subtype of ADHD is? A combination of the previous two.)

When ADHD Was an Evolutionary Advantage

Look up any definition for ADHD (from WebMD to the DSM-IV) and you will find a laundry list of oft-repeated symptoms: easily distracted; has trouble maintaining attention; disrupts class; fidgets; always on the go; blurts out answers; butts into conversations. The list goes on.
But while these symptoms may be clear, there is less agreement on just how to interpret them. For instance, when Stephen Tonti spoke about his ADHD at TEDxCMU, he argued that attention “deficit” is a misnomer, as people with ADHD can hyperfocus when the task at hand interests them. Instead, he locates the heart of his difficulty in selecting something to apply that full attention to, and argues that what he experiences is a difference in cognition rather than a disorder. He is, in his own words, “attention different.”
In his NY Times piece, Dr. Friedman focuses on the tendency of the ADHD-brain to seek out novel experiences. In so doing, he argues that ADHD was once evolutionarily adaptive, pointing to a recent study of the Ariaal, a mostly nomadic tribe in Kenya with a recently splintered and settled subgroup. The study found that nomadic men with a dopamine receptor variant related to ADHD were more likely to be well-fed, while those with the variant in the settled splinter tribe were gaunt. Friedman hypothesizes that ADHD is adaptive for a dynamic environment, in which novelty-seeking and a short attention span actually keep nomads aware of their surroundings and make them better hunters. In contrast, ADHD becomes problematic in a more sedentary culture where activities like school, farming, and selling goods require more sustained focus.
This explanation gels with a critique often raised by ADHD advocates: that it is not the ADHD-brain that is problematic, but an overly regimented school environment constructed for an industrial age with a high need for workers and bureaucrats. Still, whether you agree with that statement or not, this is the system we have right now, and students with ADHD will need to navigate it both here and as they enter the work world. What’s more, teachers must have the ability to teach their classes without constant interruptions.

5 Creative Approaches

1. Get Hands-On

Many students with ADHD work best with hands-on learning. As such, to appeal to their learning style, it is often better to “do” rather than “tell.” Whether it’s engineering their own popsicle stick building, manipulating blocks, typing on a computer, drawing illustrations for a class book, putting science into action in the lab, participating in a Maker Fair, or getting to be the “teacher for the day,” hands-on activities are sure to engage and build confidence.
That said, it’s important not to assume that all students with ADHD will be kinesthetic learners, and to engage students in the modality that most speaks to them. We recommend having your student take this learning styles quiz to give you a grounding for developing customized approaches.

2. Vary the Routine

If we know that students with ADHD are novelty-seeking, why not use that to our advantage? Keep lectures as short as possible, and rotate students often through activities. While it is important to keep students with ADHD organized with a structure you have provided, changing the routine up once in awhile will be a nice surprise and will help prevent boredom. Encouraging students with ADHD to pick up extracurricular activities can also be useful, as it will allow students to hyperfocus with their passions and also to nibble at many different tasks throughout the day.

3. Incorporate Movement Into Your Lesson Plans

If you’ve determined that your student with ADHD is a kinesthetic learner, there are many creative ways to incorporate movement into the classroom. When reviewing questions for an upcoming test, try tossing a ball to students you want to call on rather than addressing them by name. Acting out great scenes from history will embed facts and dates deeply into student minds, as will turning letters and sounds into characters and acting out their characteristics as you are teaching a class to read. And never underestimate how fun it can be to simply get out of that desk, stretch, and do a little dance break!

4. Teach Mindfulness

Teaching mindfulness in the classroom is becoming an increasingly popular technique, and one that can be particularly helpful for students with ADHD — although a student with ADHD may need intensive, individual coaching in this area. In so doing, it can help to have reminder words that you can say to let a student know when it might be time to pull back for a moment, reflect, and draw on the mindfulness techniques you’ve covered previously.

5. Create a Tutoring Program

All students deserve a customized, student-centered learning experience, but students with ADHD will need extra attention in developing sets of tools and strategies for navigating the classroom. Smaller class sizes would be ideal here, but since class size is beyond teacher control, it can be more useful for teachers to advocate for a tutoring or mentoring program for the school. With one-on-one attention, students with ADHD will have someone there for them to help provide structure and stay on top of their progress, while also translating the neurotypical classroom experience for them, and helping them to develop the skillsets they need to operate well in school and beyond.

The Verdict

Students with ADHD are highly intelligent and packed with potential, just as long as they are given the resources they need to thrive. That may mean medication, but that also means working hard to find customized teaching and behavioral strategies as well. In the end, only a nuanced, multi-pronged approach will prove effective — all the more so when those approaches are backed up with a diverse support network.