Saturday, July 26, 2014

Different Values

Different Values

The struggle to implement differentiation into education is not a new one. Americans hold different views about the purpose of education. Some believe that formal education is to provide workers for industries. Others see formal education as the arm of economic development with the assumed correlation that more education means higher paying jobs. Others believe that formal education is for training the social beliefs of the nation. Still others believe that formal education is to create citizens who can both govern and be governed. Lastly, there is a group who believes that formal education should be for self-fulfillment and growth.

These competing values influence the debate about standardization and differentiation. On one hand, industrial and political influencers push for standardization, which establishes a minimum set of competencies necessary for productive citizens and employees. On the other hand, others believe that society will benefit the most if education focuses on individual needs and interests, which creates engaged and innovative life-long learners who contribute to society in diverse ways.

Can Differentiate Work in a World of Mandated Learning?
According to Carol Ann Tomlinson, an expert in differentiation, "What we call differentiation is not a recipe for teaching. It is not an instructional strategy. It is not what a teacher does when he or she has time. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It is a philosophy" (2000).

Tomlinson believes that learners must be treated differently because they bring their own interests, styles of learning, experiences, and readiness to learn to the classroom. She believes that learners need varying paces to absorb information and need different levels of support with different concepts. This is the foundation of differentiation. Supporters of differentiation believe that schools must assess learners needs and maximize the opportunity to cross the learning threshold at whatever level the learner is at.

Understanding that differentiated learning is a philosophy of teaching that pulls its roots from various scientific disciplines and is not a prescribed method of instruction should help educators apply its principles to standardized lessons. Teachers can differentiate by altering the way something is taught based on student's readiness, interests, and learning profile. The teacher can maintain the standardized objective and the level of achievement that must be obtained while offering multiple learning opportunities for gain understanding. Is this more work? Yes, but supporters of differentiation believe that it is in the best interest of the learner.

Consider this example: A language arts teacher wants to teach a lesson on identifying and understanding inferences. The teacher can assign the class a story to read and a worksheet to complete with questions about inferences, or the teacher can assign differentiated groups to either a story to read or a video clip to watch, or a small group discussion about inferences. At the end of the session, she brings all of the students back together for an assessment. The teacher might also decide to allow the students choice in how they represent their understanding inferences, but are all measured against the same level of proficiency.

Standards vs. Differentiation
One of the conflicts between standardization and differentiation is the strong consequences for schools, teachers, and students if standardized goals are not met. Political pressure puts the need for standardization above differentiation. Schools are pressured to make sure that all students learn the minimum standards, or they may lose funding and and face a government-controlled takeover. Teachers are pressured to ensure goals are met because the results influence annual evaluations and even compensation. Students are pressured by the standardized goals because failure can hinder progression to the next grade or class placement.

With the standardized goals comes additional standardized tests. In preparation, schools use predictor tests to evaluate how well students will do on the standardized tests. This could be seen as an opportunity for differentiation; however, it creates a race against the clock to teach all of the standards. Predictive tests, like Acuity, are given in many districts three times a year. Standardized tests in many states are given twice a year. Each of these tests takes several days to complete. All of this time dedicated to testing removes time from teaching. For this reason, many teachers do not attempt differentiation, seek mastery, or include enrichment activities. They simply teach to the test.

Another conflict between standardization and differentiation is the standardized camp's limited definition of success. For example, a student enters his junior high math class almost two grade levels behind. The teacher measures the child's level of proficiency at the beginning of the year using a predictive test. The teacher, in an attempt to differentiate, helps the student create a learning plan with the specific learning goals that the student needs to master. The teacher works closely with the student all year monitoring and communicating progress. The student's confidence begins to grow and his effort level increases. At the end of the school year, the student takes the standardized test. Although he raises his score by 46 points, far more than most of his peers, he still fails to pass the minimum level for standardization. From the differentiation point of view, this student is a success. From the standardization point of view, this student has failed to progress. Which is a better indication of learning? Which will better motivate the student to continue to grow?

Grading and Differentiated Learning
In this academic world where so much rides on a standardized score, students who rise above the standard are not encouraged to continue their growth and students who fall below the standard are discouraged from trying. Students, who are very different from each other are compared, not on their efforts or growth, but on their ability to cross a line that some will never pass and other will never fall below. Is this a reason to eliminate standardization? No, but it is a battle cry to place more value on growth than an arbitrary number. If students are assessed on the mastery of concepts, than mastery should be the focus and differentiation should be the prevailing philosophy that drives it.

Rachel E Kovacs, 11/2013


Flipped Learning for Beginners

Flipped Learning for Beginners

If you are looking for a way to improve student engagement and performance, you may be interested in flipped learning. Flipped learning is a teaching strategy that allows teachers more face-to-face interaction with students and helps students learn using higher level critical thinking skills. A teacher can flip a single lesson or may choose to flip an entire classroom.

Flipped Learning: the Beginnings
In the beginning, two teachers began recording and posting their lectures online for students who were absent. People liked the idea and asked them why they did it and how it was working. The two teachers traveled around the country talking about their methods. Other teachers began making their own videos for students to use outside the classroom and soon people realized that using this approach for all of their students allowed them to have more face-to-face interaction during the class period. Students watched the videos outside the classroom and came to class prepared to discuss and practice their newly learned knowledge or skill. This was the beginning of flipped learning.

The Flipped Classroom
Most people think of a flipped classroom as a switch between what is done at school and what is done at home. In a traditional classroom, the teacher lectures and then assigns homework. In a flipped classroom, the teacher provides lecture at home so that students are prepared to practice when they arrive at school. This is flipped learning at its most basic level.

Flipped learning is about how to best use your class time. Based on your high school and college experience, most of you set through lectures which was followed by independent work time. You were probably assigned reading to do or a paper to write in between classes. If you were like most students, you occasionally left class and discovered that you did not understand the concept. Where is the teacher? How can you get help on your own?

Flipped learning is about moving activities that require lower-level thinking skills out of the classroom time in order to dedicate time to higher order thinking skills and more face-to-face interaction. For instance, fifteen to twenty minutes of a traditional classroom is lecture. Perhaps another ten to fifteen minutes is used for things like identifying, describing, explaining, discussing, or rewriting. For most classrooms, this leaves only five to fifteen minutes left for higher order thinking skills. The students leave the room and now must try to use higher order thinking skills on their own with no support.

Flipped learning alleviates this problem. Now consider this example. A teacher creates a video of his or her lecture. The teacher may also assign recall questions or require notes. The student completes this work before they come to class. Now the teacher has forty-five minutes for higher order thinking skills such as application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The teacher is present while students work these problems and is able to walk around and help them individually.

In addition, it becomes obvious who did not prepare for class and who is confused by the concept. The teacher can now counsel, give immediate feedback, and clear up misconceptions before an assignment is turned in. The teacher can differentiate instruction at this point for both remediation and enhancement based on the student's skill set and level of maturity.

Benefits of Flipping
1. The teacher is more involved with assessing student comprehension. The teacher is available to question students' understanding and monitor progress as students work instead of after they turn an assignment in for grading.
2. Class time can be more hands on. Since the teacher is freed from lecturing during class, more time is available for labs, group activities, and other hands-on, active learning experiences.
3. Parents are more aware of content. Previously, parents may have seen a copy of a worksheet. It was difficult for them into interact with their child about the concept if they were unfamiliar with the concept. With a flipped lesson, parents see the content and can help their child process the ideas through discussion or further practice.
4. The classroom becomes student-centered. Lecture is teacher-centered. The teacher provides the information while the students listen. With flipped learning, the students are now actively engaged in a group practice session. The teacher now moves through the class helping individual students and addresses the group as a whole when he or she sees common problems.
5. Flipped learning encourages collaboration. Listening to a lecture and recording notes are not collaborative activities. In addition, distractions during this time can make it difficult for the student to concentrate. With flipped learning, students come together to practice. It is easier to problem-solve and collaborate in a more relaxed social environment.
6. Flipped learning encourages differentiated learning. When students practice with the teacher present, the teacher can quickly recognize gaps and misconceptions. He or she can also make additional resources available to students in a variety of formats that the student may not be able to access at home. Students who need remediation can watch the lecture again or work directly with the teacher. Students who need enriched materials have more opportunities using school resources.
7. Flipped learning can be used with mastery learning. With the teacher and student interacting during the practice stage, the teacher can ensure that the student masters the concept before moving on. Time is freed for additional practice and assessment opportunities. With mastery learning, students and teachers work together until a minimum level of mastery is achieved.
8. Flipped learning can be used with self-paced learning. The teacher eventually creates a library of learning materials that students can access as needed. In one alternative school, each student was assigned a set of objectives and matching activities to complete by a specified date. The teacher monitored progress as each student worked through the lessons, pulling resources as they were needed, and counseled and assisted students as necessary.

Rachel E Kovacs 10/2013


Flip Your Classroom

Flip Your Classroom

You are ready to try flipped learning, but you do not know where to begin. The first step is to examine what to flip. You likely have information that you want to present. In many classrooms, this comes as direct instruction. You stand in front of the room, talk, and write on the board or show a PowerPoint presentation. Ask yourself, “How can I make the most of my class time?” Is it critical that your students hear this directly from you in the classroom, or is this something that you can record and let them view before class? Many teachers find that flipping direct instruction is the easiest way to start.

What to Flip?
What are you asking students to do with this information? What knowledge or skills do your students need to be able to demonstrate? Can some of these skills be done independently or do they require more assistance? For this, we will look at Bloom’s taxonomy. You will see that skills associated with Knowledge (or remembering previously learned material) and Comprehension (demonstrating understanding of facts) are at the lowest level of critical thinking. These are the skills that most students will be able to do on their own. Now some students will still need help in these areas, but these are the areas that should require the least amount of help.

The skills at the lower end of Bloom’s taxonomy are activities that can be flipped. After watching a video or interactive lesson of direct instruction, your students should be able to recall the lesson and explain what they learned in simple terms on their own. How many of your homework assignments use the following action verbs? These are activities that your students can do before they come to class.

MemorizeGive examples

Where to Flip?
Flipping a lesson looks different in an elementary school than in a middle school, high school, or college. Elementary students are more dependent on their teacher, but this does not mean that flipped learning will not work with them. You simply need to alter when and how flipped learning takes place.

Flipped learning for elementary students is often embedded into the classroom through workstations. Begin with an area where students struggle or you feel like you have to repeat often. Make a short two to three minute video of yourself explaining the topic. You can also create a short interactive lesson if you can find one or know how to create one. Make sure that the flipped presentation is no more than ten minutes long. Most teachers create learning centers where groups of students watch a video or work on a computer while the teacher is working with other students. Require the students to take notes or recall what they learned. This direct instruction can also be placed on the web for students and parents to access from home, but do not assign it as mandatory homework. Some students may not have access to the internet at home or their parents may not let them on sites like YouTube. Often these flipped lessons take place in the middle, rather than the beginning, of a lesson with elementary students. This allows the teacher to connect with the students and prepare them for the flipped experience.

Older learners can work on a flipped learning experience outside of the classroom. Flipped instruction for older learners is usually front-loaded at the beginning of a lesson. More mature students can complete more work on their own before coming to class. With older learners, direct instruction and lower level critical thinking skills can be performed outside of the classroom to create more time for higher level thinking activities once the students arrive. These higher level critical thinking skills are more appropriate for practicing with an instructor present:


When to Flip?
There are several options for flipping direct instruction. The easiest way to to videotape yourself presenting the information. You can draw on the board or record something on a document camera. If you are skilled with technology, you can narrate a PowerPoint, capture your movements on your computer through screen shots, or even create interactive flash video using authoring software such as Captivate or Articulate. Completed lessons can be loaded onto a DVD and sent home with students, placed onto a class website, or more public sites such as YouTube. Interactive lessons can be saved as executable or uploaded to learning management systems such as MOODLE.

Rachel E Kovacs, 11/2013


MOOCs for Beginners

MOOCs for Beginners

The term, MOOC, may be new to you. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Classroom, and they are probably more popular than you think. MOOCs have been around since 2008, but now prestigious universities such as Yale, MIT, and Harvard are now joining the open education movement.

The History of MOOCs
Distance learning began as correspondence courses as early as the late 1800s. Lessons and assignments were mailed to and from instructors. Feedback was slow. Completion rates were extremely low. After the turn of the century, some radio stations began broadcasting lectures while students listened at home. By the 1980s closed-circuit videos replaced radio broadcasts. Students would sit together in a room and watch the broadcast and take notes. One student would call in to the teacher and everyone would take attendance over the phone. If anyone had a question, they had to ask over the telephone. While these early attempt did open the door for many individuals who were not able to attend a traditional classroom, the courses were still limited in size based on the teacher's workload and the availability of physical space.

The term MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) was coined in 2008 by a Canadian blogger who reported on the work of two researchers at the University of Manitoba. Over 2200 students accessed the course for free through RSS feeds, blogs, Moodle, and virtual classrooms. The course was to encourage connective knowledge. As the concept grew in popularity, connectivity gave way to scalability. The MOOC format through various platforms is now a popular teaching tool in many places of higher education. Consortiums have formed with major platform developers including Coursera, edX, and Udacity. In September 2013, Google partnered with edX to begin development of Open edX.

Quality of these online courses varies. Most MOOCs are self-paced courses that do not transfer to academic credit, but this is beginning to change. Some MOOCS are now offering paid, secure proctoring for final exams and paid Certificates of Completion. Obtaining academic credit is still a challenge.

The Purpose of MOOCs
The purpose of MOOCS has changed since their inception. Originally MOOCs were designed to connect learners in remote areas and open access to free education. The emphasis on community has decreased in recent years, but the desire to connect learners to free learning opportunities remains strong. MOOCs can be accessed anywhere that has internet access. Because these courses are free or low cost, they remove many of the barriers associated with training or college entry. In addition, MOOCs remove time zone and distance variables.

How to MOOCs work?
The original idea for this open education resource was an experiment in learning. Two Canadian researchers, named Stephen Downes and Geroge Siemens, believed that knowledge is conveyed through a network of connections. They believed that learning involved the ability to work within those networks.

In the beginning, the researchers sent out free resources in the forms of articles, videos, discussions, social media posts, and collected information from students. The researchers assigned reading and discussions began. The concept was to facilitate the connections and seed the conversation. It was not to create an organizational scaffold for the course.Ultimately, it was a dynamic form of group learning.

Four years after the first course, the idea has taken off. Now high school students can take college level courses in preparation for college. Some even offer credit. College students can expand their learning with courses not offered by their campus. Employees can learn new skills independently or through a work-sanctioned training program.

Today technology has added new tools and features. Users have access to experts in the field. Courses are generally 12 - 15 weeks long and include listening to lectures, reading, completing homework, and taking quizzes and a final exam. Don't let the word "free" lull you into the misconception that these courses are easy. MOOCs offered by top universities simulate full courses taught at the campus. MOOCS allow users to gain a wealth of knowledge and often a certificate from a highly regarded institution.

Several organizations have made themselves a name in the MOOC environment. The big three are Coursera, edX, and Udacity, but many more are emerging. Each of these platforms varies depending on content, affiliation, and user goal.
1. Coursera offers a great range of courses with both video and language selections. It contains a forum for collaboration, a career matching service, and nearly all of the courses come with a certificate. The platform does incorporate deadlines, however, so it is not self-paced. For working adults, the amount of work can be considered high. In addition, the platform uses peer grading, which can be uncomfortable for some learners.
2. EdX also offers a large range of courses. There are some foreign language options and a forum for collaboration. All courses come with a certificate of mastery. Some courses require prior knowledge. This information is not shared until after the course has started when the self-assessment is analyzed. Like Coursera, the high workload can be daunting.
3. Udacity offers highly interactive tutorials as well as other multimedia. Courses are self-paced. There is a forum for collaboration. Certificates are available for fee-based proctored exams. Udacity offers a limited number of courses at this time and does not provide details on course content before registering. There is no language translation.

These are not the only MOOCs in town, however. Many university are now hosting their own MOOCs and Google just partnered with edX to develop their own platform. Other platforms to watch are Udema, Coursesites, and Education Portal.

Rachel E Kovacs 10/2013


The New Plan for Education Technology Funding

The New Plan for Education Technology Funding
With only 1% of your tax dollars going to fund federal programs for education, school districts and other nonprofits are turning to foundations and corporations for technology funding. These competitive grants become more difficult as the economy continues to struggle. Grant providers want proposals with high returns on investments as educators scramble to apply business models to their programs.
Planning for Technology
From the introduction of multimedia tools in the 1930s to the interactive remote learning environments of today, technology has an important function in education. With the digital age came technology grants. The goal was to make technology accessible to everyone. Thousands of teachers and schools applied and funds for hardware, software, and internet access came pouring in.
When asked "What do our students need to know to be successful?" teachers replied "computer literacy". Students were taught RAM and ROM, keyboarding, and even some DOS. Unfortunately, this was not the correct answer to this question. When asked "What do our students need to know to be successful?" the answer should have been skills like "problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity, and divergent thinking". Technology should be a tool to build these skills, not a skill in itself.
The focus for grants and funding has moved from access to effective programming. Instead of planning for technology, plan for improving student achievement. Then ask how technology plays a role. Grant providers today require well thought out applications that focus on evidence of effectiveness and data-based decisions. Rarely is technology a funding category on its own anymore. The request for technology is often integrated into other programming grant applications. Several foundations and corporations still focus on technology education funding.

Showcase Organizations
The Technology Education Foundation is one organization that assists schools and other nonprofits through grants. The foundation is the brainchild of Jim Berbee who developed a $175 million IT solution business. Past grant recipients have received funding for travel to a science and engineering fair, a flipped classroom initiative, hardware and software, training, and blended learning initiatives. Money from the foundation comes from sponsors and participants in the annual Berbee Derby. In 2013, the race/walk drew more than 8000 participants and raised over $53,000 for grant recipients. It is open to recipients in the greater Dane County, Wisconsin area. Eligible organizations must be nonprofits with a current 501(c)(3) status, K-12 schools, government funded and operated organizations, or nonprofit healthcare facilities. For more information, visit
The IEEE Foundation solicits donations and awards grants for innovative projects. The foundation was established in 1973 in New York. The foundation supports projects that expand and enhance engineering, science and technology education, increases awareness of the impact of technology, and improves the human condition through technology-based solutions. In 2013, the foundation has awarded over $341,000 in grant funds including a Manhattan Project Legacy program, K-12 STEM outreach, and an online engineering history course workshop. The foundation does not fund individuals, operational costs, commercial promotion, capital improvements, salaries, or travel. For more information, visit

How to Seek Funding
Each organization will have its own funding requirements, but there are common areas that most granting foundations request. These include a need statement, an impact statement, measurable outcomes, long-range plan, and a budget.
1. Need Statement: The need statement presents the facts and other supporting evidence of a problem that you are trying to address. These statements include the target audience, the community, the purpose and goals of your organization, and data.
2. Impact Statement: The impact statement includes the proposed solution and how the solution will impact the problem and target audience. This statement illustrates the significance of projected changes including the return on investment and any possible negative impact as well as how those will be addressed.
3. Measurable Outcomes: Measurable outcomes are goals and objects that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. This means that the goals and objectives are based on observable action, can be measured against set criteria, and can be completed in a reasonable about of time.
4. Long Range Plan: The long-range plan includes a breakdown of the goals and steps to achieve the goals. They include the specific step, the persons responsible, the materials needed, and the time for completion. The long range should discuss how the organization or learner will continue to benefit after the funding period. Include in this section if future funds are needed to continue the project after the initial funding period.
5. Budget: The budget will contain both a narrative and line item budget. The narrative summarizes the overall use of the funds. The line-item budget breaks the fund request down into categories such as personal, hardware, software, training, and travel.

Grant Writing
Many organizations have full time grant writers. Others outsource the task to freelance grant writers. Still others write the grant on their own. There is no right way or wrong way to complete this task. The important point is to read the application carefully and follow the directions. For help writing a grant, visit the Grant Professionals Association at or Purdue's Online Writing Lab at
Rachel E Kovacs 10/2013

OERs and the Educational Divide

Traditional Education
If you listen to campaign ads, you will likely hear something about supporting and improving education. Traditional education in the United States is based essentially on a factory model. The first call for improvement in education in the United States came before the nation was even ratified when local puritans pushed for better literacy. Most of our founding fathers were schooled at home by their parents. The United States was not a literate society, but a privileged few did with enough money were able to afford a private education.

By the 1800’s school was available to anyone who wanted it, but it was still not mandatory. Some schools were funded by tax dollars, but most were funded privately or by charity. Quality of the schools varied greatly. Those with financial resources received more education and better quality education than those who did not. After education reform in Europe, the United States moved to a state level system of education hoping to provide equal access and equal opportunity for everyone.

The move to a unified educational system led to state funding through taxes, compulsory attendance, standardized curriculum, state trained teachers, and age segregated classrooms. Eventually, this state level control extended to textbook adoption, teacher licenser, and student assessment. The focus of American education turned to supporting the needs of the industrial society. Education became objective and convergent. Classrooms became an assembly line with little room for creativity, differentiation, and divergent thinking.

The Educational Divide
While education in the United States began with limited access to information and resulted in educational elites, improved access to education over the last century has not eliminated the educational divide. The current education system does not focus on the individual child. It works well only for those who have the cultural and background experiences, the parental support, the financial opportunity, and the cognitive, emotional, and social maturity to move through its assembly line.

In addition, while state and federal mandates have increased, funding to support those mandates has decreased. This results in a pay-to-play system not only for sports, but often for the arts as well. Funding for support staff such as teaching assistants, certified librarians, and interventionists have been cut and existing staff are spread thin. These programs and the personnel that fill these roles are the ones that promote creativity, differentiation, and divergent thinking.

The result is an educational divide similar to the one faced in the early history of our country. While access to education has improved, the quality of education still differs between the “haves” and the “have nots”. Families with better finances have more opportunities for the arts, cultural experiences, and private education. For example, a child wanted to join a competitive choir at her school because she wanted to major in music, but it costs over $5,000 to participate. Another child had the opportunity to travel to the nation's capital with his class, but the trip cost over $1,000 for only four days. Neither child was able to participate due to finances.

The OER Solution
While a poor education is seen as an underlying reason for poverty, poverty is also an underlying reason for a poor education. So what is the solution? Many advocates now say Open Educational Resources (OER). Open Educational Resources are accessible, open licensed documents and multimedia that can be redistributed, re-purposed, revised, and remixed. They can be used for teaching, learning, research, and assessment. OERs are designed and collectively put together by experts in the field for the purpose of sharing knowledge. The term “open” is used because the materials often use creative commons or less restrictive copyrights that allow the material to be freely shared and revised.

The jury is still out on the effectiveness of OERs, but researchers are hopeful that OER materials will have a positive impact on reducing the educational divide. Researchers hypothesize that OER materials will improve student performance and satisfaction. They believe that OER materials will increase participation in both formal and informal education. They believe that OERs will financially benefit students and help at-risk students finish their studies. Most importantly, supporters of OERs hope that OER use will encourage educators to reflect on their practice.

OERs offer free access to a broad range of materials that were once reserved for the financially secure. They offer educational opportunities that were once limited by geographic region. OERs consist of course materials, textbooks, streaming media, assessments, and even full courses. For example, MIT now offers full open courses online including video, lectures, presentations, and course materials for free. Khan Academy offers free videos and interactive learning experiences in the K-12 environment. Even the Arts community has become involved offering visual arts curriculums from primary education to collegiate levels. OERs offer the opportunity for students and teachers to collaborate, express themselves creatively, differentiate instruction to meet specific needs, and encourages divergent thinking.

OER Resources
There are many OER communities on the Internet. Some are listed below:
MIT OpenCourseWare: In 2007, MIT put its entire curriculum online free of charge. While the users of these online materials do not earn a degree, they have access to the same materials as degree-earning students.

Connexions: An OER repository that students can access independently or teachers can remix into their existing curriculum. It contains more than 21,000 units of instruction.

OpenStax: An OER repository for open textbooks. Online versions are free. Print-on-demand versions are a fraction of the cost of comparable traditionally published textbooks.

Khan Academy: Geared toward both K-12 and college level curriculums, Khan Academy offers free courseware for math, science, economics and finance, and the humanities. It also has strategic partnerships to provide free open materials through museums, institutions of higher learning, and corporations.

Rachel E Kovacs, October 2013

OERs in the Science Classroom

Humans are born naturally curious. Infants begin exploring as soon as their eyes can focus and their hands can reach. As the child grows, the inquiry becomes verbalized with a string of continual “why?” questions. But something happens after children enter formal schooling. The questioning stops. The curiosity levels. The creativity dwindles. It is time for the adults to ask why. Perhaps American young people lose their sense of inquiry due to the format of their education. More than academic knowledge is passed to the younger generation. So are the social dictates that one should do what they are told, follow rules, and not debate. But without inquiry, young people lose the ability to reason. They become followers, not leaders. A chosen few become inquirers while the masses learn to submit to the understanding of others. This creates disturbing scenarios when we consider the history of the world.

What is Inquiry-Based Learning?
Fortunately, there is inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning gained popularity in the 1960s as a part of the constructivist philosophy. It is based on the need to question why and how things work and then form ideas about the world around us. Inquiry learning teaches students how to see patterns and meanings behind events, develop in-depth knowledge that can be applied to a variety of situations, and master investigative skills that will lead to a lifetime of learning. To begin, students need to learn how to process information, observe, infer, measure, analyze, and evaluate—all critical thinking skills necessary in every subject.

OERs and Inquiry
Inquiry-based learning is utilized at varying levels of complexity in K-12 education. In its simplest form, inquiry-based learning starts with guiding questions. The teacher can begin by providing these questions or by helping students devise their own questions. As students seek answers to these questions through the exploration of sources and lab experiences, they record and summarize their results. As students get older, they can begin seeking their own sources of information and sharing their learning with others. Finally, students learn how to summarize, compare, and report their findings.

High school and college students can take inquiry learning to an even higher level through deductive and inductive thinking. Deductive thinkers are given generalized assumptions. They apply these assumptions to various situations and explore the relationships between them. They then test the assumptions and apply it to specific situations. Inductive thinking is the opposite. Students are given a specific situation. They compare the situation to other similar situations and look for patterns and similarities. They test these patterns on new situations until they can apply a generalized assumption to all situations.

Studies have shown that education organized around a problem or inquiry is both motivating and effective. Informal use of OER materials for inquiry-based learning projects allows students to freely use, adapt, and distribute material as they compare, test, and formulate theories. Educators can seed exploration with OER resources tailored specifically to the topic or allow students to explore on their own. As the students create new knowledge sets, these sets themselves can be added to the OER collection for future use. Students can become citizen scientists who contribute to global understanding. This culture of collaboration and discussion facilitates change and innovation.

OER Science Strategies
The use of OER materials changes the way we teach. It promotes a more transparent, collaborative, and inclusive learning environment (Scanlon, 2012). The development of web-based interfaces such asnQuire help students progress through their scientific inquiries. Teachers can choose from ready-made inquiries or modify existing ones. They can even create their own to be shared with others. A similar platform called iSpot allows participants to contribute to a global knowledge of wildlife through local observation and data sharing. ISpot works with Open University to offer free courses on the environment.
The best way to start using OERs in the inquiry-based classroom is to starting exploring current OER collections. A great place to start is OER Commons.
  1. Be sure to evaluate the source. Remember that all OERs are not created equal. Evaluate them like any other source.
  2. Start with an existing course that aligns with what you want to teach. Modification and creation of new OERs will come with experience.
  3. Develop a set of seed questions for your students. Students will need topic related questions for the inquiry. For scientific inquiry, you may also wish to ask students to define:
  • What to change
  • What to measure
  • What to keep the same in order to make it a fair test
  • How to observe and measure the effect of what has changed
  • How to collect data
  • How to record data
  • How to make sense of their results
  • Whether they trust their results
  1. Allow students to explore. This is a student-centered approach. Facilitate the learning experience by helping students focus on the inquiry question, but encourage divergent thinking.
Soon your students will become both better problem-solvers and innovators.
Rachel E. Kovacs, 11/2013

STEM: How to Begin?

What teacher does not want to develop student thinking and improve their problem solving skills? What employer does not want an employee who can resolve real world issues? Through STEM education, both of these goals can be met.

What is STEM?
Envision a nation where the highest paying jobs are left unfilled and poverty and unemployment are on the rise. Envision a world where the economic tides have turned and Asia is the new forerunner for economic growth and innovation. Envision a world where the United States is no longer a thought leader and must rely on other nations for problem solving and global assistance. Your vision will not be that far-fetched. In India, there are more honor students than the United States has students, and those students are cashing in on STEM careers.

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that STEM careers grew nearly 700% between 1950 and 2000, mostly in the field of computing. In that time, other nations have rallied support for math and science training with young employees already feeding into the employment pipeline in the areas of physical science, engineering, mathematics, life science, and computing. The United States has finally heard the call, but more needs to be done.

The United States relies on the STEM initiative to develop competent employees to meet both today's and tomorrow's needs. STEM focuses on a foundational understanding of how the world works and innovative problem solving to make life better. STEM careers change rapidly and new skill sets are needed continually. Education in these fields needs to start early and needs to continue through professional development and advanced career options. Not all STEM careers need advanced degrees. In fact, many STEM careers require only associate degrees. The focus with K-12 STEM education should not be to produce only scientists and engineers. It should focus on developing creative problem solvers and helping the general population feel comfortable in their understanding with how things work along with an interest in how to make things better.

While the United States has made strides toward advancing STEM education, problems still exist. STEM education is still not geographically consistent and some fields still have significantly large deficits in skilled workers. There is still a lack of STEM trained teachers in the field, and less opportunities and mentors for women, minorities, and those with a low socioeconomic status.

Why is STEM important?
The driving force behind the STEM initiative is to move the United States back into the forefront of the global economy. Currently for every one engineering graduate in the United States, there are three engineering graduates in Europe and five engineering graduates in Asia. If current trends continue, 90% of all scientists and engineers will soon be found in Asia. Since 21 of the top 25 paying jobs are in STEM careers, the strong economy will follow the employment. Additionally, nearly 50% of doctorate graduates in STEM fields who are granted degrees in the United States are foreign nationals who leave once the degree is complete and take their knowledge and skills back to their home countries.

This leaves the United States with a workforce shortage in STEM fields. The supply of qualified workers is not able to keep up with the demands of ever changing research and development in science and technology. The shortages start with qualified STEM educators in the K-12 environment and inequitable STEM education opportunities and interests in lower socioeconomic areas. This discrepancy also falls along cultural and gender lines. Few African-American and Hispanic males pursue STEM careers, and women, who despite making up the majority of college students, remains low in STEM careers.

More importantly, STEM education promotes creative, divergent thinking. Innovation is the product of creative problem solving. STEM education is a collaborative hands-on, multidisciplinary experience. The fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are highly related and should be taught in conjunction with one another. Historically, education in the United States promotes objective, convergent thinking, yet these are in opposition with the skills that are needed of today's workers.

How To Begin
The first step in improving STEM education involves improved teacher recruitment and training. One issue is the lack of a strong candidate pool. Many STEM majors enter the workforce seeking higher paying jobs. The pay scale for a classroom teacher cannot compete with salaries in other STEM industries. Current incentives to encourage women and minorities into STEM fields has not been successful. Incentives to draw STEM teachers to lower income schools has also shown less than desirable results.

More emphasis must be placed on STEM careers that do not require advanced degrees. Community colleges play a big role in the training of these types careers. Community colleges and K-12 systems need to work together to emphasize STEM education. More promotion of STEM education needs to take place in geographic locations with low math and science scores. Career choices are correlated to parental dreams and the community's return on investment. The parents and the community need to see the local impact of STEM careers.

Teachers in STEM classrooms should begin by selecting a standard from one of the STEM content areas. Once the standards have been identified, consider a problem in society that aligns with the standard. Examine the problem and align standards from other content areas. Now, create objectives for the unit and begin locating or creating learning experiences that align with the objectives.

STEM Resources
There are many resources available for K-12 educators who want to get started. Here are a few to investigate.
Exploratorium: offers professional development and activities and events for K-12 teachers and their students.
NASA – Educators: offers lesson plans, teachers guides, and resources for teachers and students.
eGFI: Dream Up the Future: promotes engineering education for K-12 with lesson plans, programs, and activities.
Kinetic City: offers science games for grades 3-5.

Rachel E Kovacs, 10/2013

STEM and Language Arts

STEM education should be a dynamic, cross-curricular effort. One of the goals of the STEM initiative is to produce literate adults who can actively participate in discussions about the world around them. STEM students need strong research, reading, and writing skills. Here are some ways to bring in language arts standards into your STEM curriculum.

STEM and Research Skills
STEM education naturally uses research to problem solve. Research can involve printed sources, multimedia, interviews, or hands-on research. To help your students research, use the following methods:

Draw pictures of STEM concepts
As your students begin researching a topic, have them draw pictures of the concepts. When your students complete their research, have them draw the concept again. This visualization will help your students see the differences in their understanding of the topic.

Complete KWLA with STEM topics
Have your students think about the STEM concept. Tell them to break down their understanding by what they know, what they want to know, what they learn about a topic, and finally how they would apply that learning to their problem. Steer them to focus their research on what they want to know.

Analyze perceptions
Examine the concept drawings and review their KWL sheets. Use this analysis to help your students focus their research. This is also a great time to clear up any misconceptions or stereotypes. You can also use this time to direct students toward any standard concepts they may have missed.

Evaluate STEM sources
Not all sources of information are equal. Teach your students how to evaluate a good source using the CARRDS method:
Credibility: Who is the author and how are they an expert?
Accuracy: Can the facts and other evidence be verified?
Reliability: Is the source biased or does it exclude evidence or a point of view?
Relevance: Does the information answer your questions or support your hypothesis?
Date: When was the information created? If it is a science or technology source, it should be no older than five years unless you are conducting historical research.
Source: Where did the author get their sources? Who is the intended audience of the source?
Scope: Does the source talk about many topics or focus on one topic? Is it a scholarly source or a popular source?

Choose best resources for needs
Many students make the mistake of gathering as much as they can on a topic or gathering the first few sources they can find. Emphasize that good problem solvers gather and evaluate the best information in order to propose a good solution. Encourage your students to use these methods and choose the best 3-5 resources they can find on a subject.

STEM and Reading
Some students might struggle with reading STEM texts due to the technical language. Use these strategies to assist students with reading comprehension.

Pre-teach vocabulary
STEM education often involves a lot of technical vocabulary. Define major concepts and terms before students start their studies. If everyone is assigned the same reading task, preview the text and identify troublesome words. If everyone is reading unique texts, have them first scan the article to identify unfamiliar words. Have them make a list of these words and define them before they read.

Survey prior to reading
Surveying the text includes scanning the entire text before reading. Students should look at section titles and subheads, graphics, and tables in order to get an idea what the entire selection is about. If there are lesson objectives or comprehension questions, have them read these as well. This helps the students set a purpose for reading and understand the concept as a whole.

As students read, make sure they take notes and paraphrase the text as they go along. This forces students to become active readers who periodically stop and process their understanding of the source as they go.

Learning logs
Encourage students to keep learning logs. A learning log is a journal with a line drawn vertically down the page. The student takes notes from a source on one side and writes questions and comments about what they read on the other.

Graphic organizers
Encourage students to create graphs and charts of what they read. The KWLA chart is one type of graphic organizer, but there are many others as well. Students can use Venn diagrams, concept maps, problem-solutions maps, and much more.

STEM and Writing Skills
Writing about STEM topics is a great way to assess their higher order thinking skills. Students can demonstrate how much they comprehend about a topic, express how they would apply their understanding, break down the ideas and form new concepts, and form and defend an opinion about a topic. When assigning written work for STEM topics, create assignments that use the verbs below:
Break down
Figure out






Point out












Rachel E Kovacs, 11/2013

Basham, J., & Marino, M. (2013). Understanding STEM Education and Supporting Students Through Universal Design for Learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 8-15.
Hagedorn, L., & Purnamasari, A. (2012). A Realistic Look at STEM and the Role of Community Colleges. Community College Review, 40(2), 145-164.
Herman, K. J., & McClellan, M. D. (2013). INCREASING MINORITY INVOLVEMENT IN STEM COURSES. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers, 88(6), 48-51.
Israel, M., Maynard, K., & Williamson, P. (2013). Promoting Literacy- Embedded, Authentic STEM Instruction for Students With Disabilities and Other Struggling earners. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 18-25.
Packard, B., Tuladhar, C., & Lee, J. (2013). Advising in the Classroom: How Community College STEM Faculty Support Transfer-Bound Students. Journal Of College Science Teaching, 42(4), 14-20.
Roberts, A. (2013). STEM is here. Now What?. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 73(1), 22-27.
Vann IV, C. B. (2013). Pioneering a new path for STEM education. Industrial Engineer: IE, 45(5), 30-33.
White, D. W. (2013). Urban STEM Education: a unique summer program Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(5), 8-13.