Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Distance Learning

Distance education courses and programs provide flexible learning opportunities to both undergraduate and post baccalaureate students. In this indicator, distance education courses include live, interactive audio- or videoconferencing; prerecorded instructional videos; webcasts; CD-ROMs or DVDs; or computer-based systems accessed over the Internet. Distance education does not include correspondence courses.

In 2007–08, about 4.3 million undergraduate students, or 20 percent of all undergraduates, took at least one distance education course. About 0.8 million, or 4 percent of all undergraduates, took their entire program through distance education. The percentage of undergraduates who took any distance education courses rose from 16 percent in 2003–04 to 20 percent in 2007–08; over the same period, however, the percentage who took their entire program through distance education decreased from 5 to 4 percent. In addition to these undergraduate students, about 0.8 million, or 22 percent, of all post baccalaureate students took distance education courses in 2007–08. The percentage of post baccalaureate students who took their entire program through distance education (9 percent) was higher than the percentage at the undergraduate level.

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