Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Apps that Transform my Daily Learning

I heard a term “device agnostic” recently on the Techlandia podcast and it really resonated with me. When I look at my personal tech workflow, I prefer applications to work on a range of devices as I feel each device shapes and evolves my learning in different ways. So this post is an analysis of my iPad use.

From left to right, Any.Do is in my opinion the best to-do list on the iPad. It has such a simple interface, is so easy to use, syncs across all devices and I love the fact that I can add something on my iPad and then pop out the to-do list on my computer screen using the extension in Google Chrome. This paired with Outlook really helps me to stay on top of daily learning.  With the amount of passwords I have to remember, MiniKeePass is my saviour.  Encrypted behind a pin code and password, I can keep all my login details safe and secure.  Dropbox is my filing cabinet in the sky.  Working cross campus means that I am constantly away from my desk so this allows me access to all my files, plans, shared folders etc…  It is also one of my gateways to information transfer from or to the iPad. Google Drive is the second gateway but has a lot more to offer than Dropbox.  Forms, docs, spreadsheets, etc…Google truly have got it right with their portfolio of apps. I remember looking at Evernote about a year or so ago and thinking what’s all the fuss about.  Today Evernote houses my every digital move.  Careful tagging allows me to quickly locate a resource, anecdotal note or set of meeting minutes. Web clipping and email uploads allow me to funnel my learning feeds into easy to manage folders.  I can easily capture student work samples or audio clips and the ever growing list of Evernote compatible apps just keeps on growing.  I have invested in the Premium version of Evernote and it is worth every cent.
Originally posted on transformative LEARNING:

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